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hover over each body part to begin

Unlock the mysteries of the brain, from the frontal lobe to the hippocampus. Perfect for would be neurosurgeons, psychologists, forsenic pathologists, and everything in between.

Practice on the other organs of the body, including the liver (which has over 200 functions in the body), kidneys, GI tract, and reproductive organs! From removing cancers to repairing lacerations, there is no shortage of surgical adventures you can have.


From the first moments of beating to the last lingering echoes, brave the chambers of the heart and fight against time to keep it pumping. From CPR to bypass surgery, this will be the perfect tool to get you ready to halt death in its tracks


Repair one of the most intricate tools known to man, or put together a new prosthetic for those in need. This handy program will help you tackle procedures that would otherwise be left up to the professionals.

give em a hand, kid.png

other medical projects to try

Practice prescribing medications, regulating drug usage, diagnosing patients, administering IVs, and performing other medical duties outside of the OR.


Run through the adrenalin rush and fast-paced world of the ICU and the ER, where each second can mean the difference between life and death. 

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